Paragliding in Dharamshala

Leading expert in tandem paragliding flights in Dharamshala

Trek to Triund

Best short Trek of Dhauladhar mountain range

Camping in McLeod Ganj

Spend your best time with your friends together

Trek to Kareri Lake

One of the Holy Lake in Dhauladhar mountains


One of the best short listed Treks of McLeodGanj Dharamshala. Enjoy solo or with your friends


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Don’t just count on our words. Call us and connect with us for further discounts and offers. So call now.

Trek to Triund

The Snow Line Trek starts from Mcleodganj in Dharamshala and passes through mixed forests of deodar, oak and rhododendron the popular camping ground of Triund and Laka Got.

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Trek to Snowline

The Snow Line Trek starts from Mcleodganj in Dharamshala and passes through mixed forests of deodar, oak and rhododendron the popular camping ground of Triund and Laka Got.

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Trek to Kareri Lake

Kareri Lake Trek is one the most famous trek in Dhauladhar Velley and McLeodGanj, Dharamshala Region. It is also one of the holy lake in Dhauladhar mountains.

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Trek to Indrahar Pass

Indrahar Pass is a mountain pass in the Dhauladhar range of the Himalayas situated in Kangra Chamba border at the altitude of 4,342 mtr, near the tourist town of Dharamshala..

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Trek to Chamba Valley via Indrahar Pass

One of the iconic trek of Dhauladhar range crosses over Indrahar Pass at the altitute of 4342 meter.

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Day Trek to Triund

If you want to test yourself as a trekker, then this trek is for you. Simply start early morning from McLeod Ganj and be at Triund by 11 am..

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Paragliding in McLeodganj, Dharamshala


Camping in McLeodganj


Trekking from McLeodganj


Trek to Triund